
Dec 29, 2013

Sometimes the world is a wonderful place~

Hello sweeties <3

I am still recovering from all the Christmas food but still want to write something about the meeting with a dear friend from my highschool days :3 Everytime I am meeting with her I instantely feel transported back in time - memories I already have forgotten are coming back and I am turning 18 again x"D Well, not that any other day in my life is different though. 

Anyways, we didn`t do anything tooo special...we went shopping and chatted alot. Later in the evening we went back to our school town and walked around talking about the past and how the world has grown since we graduated. With 16 or 18 your world is much smaller than it is now. The biggest problems we had at that age was how many people liked us and what manga to read next. Now the world is bigger and also the problems we have seem to be much bigger...but in the end nothing really changed - we are still the girls setting out for a great adventure filled with big dreams after the graduation. It is funny how we think we have changed but underneath we are still the same. We can only meet once or twice a year but it feels like we only just met two days ago x"D

We are still 16 right!? Drinking Hugo out of Hello Kitty Cups and laughing about the most silly are never too old for being silly once in a while ^.^b

 Right from a fairytale *hahaha* During my schooltime I wanted to leave this town sooooo I totally miss it...or maybe I am just missing the memories? ;)

Reunion Outfit ;)
Top: Bodyline
Skirt: H&M
Cardigan: some online shop I don`t remember XD
Tights: H&M
Boots: Deichmann
Headbow: Claire`s
Roses: H&M

 Contemplating if I will grow out my bangs or not...I do have a big forehead without the I?
And trying out my new curling iron...haven`t burned myself...yet x"D

Well, only 2 days of 2013 remaining...hopefully next year won`t have so many ups and downs...I could do with some more ups though x"D

Have a nice day <3



  1. Du siehst huebsch aus *.* Ich bewundere ja immer wieder deinen fabelhaften Teint :D Ach was, ihr seht Beide total suess aus <3
    Das mit Mobbing kenn ich leider auch, aber sagte ich ja schon. Irgendwie hat man es als Manga und Japan Fan allgemein nicht imer leicht^^ Aber es schoen wenn man eine gute Freundin hat und man mit den Problemen nicht alleine ist.

    Liebste Gruesse :3

    1. Awwww~ Danke dir <3 Also ich bekomme meinen Teint gerade mit der Revlon Photoready Foundation hin ^^ Wollte demnächst darüber mal ein review schreiben...die ist echt der Hammer :3

      Ja, Mobbing ist echt nicht schön aber ich hatte ein paar echt gute Freunde, die mir zu der Zeit geholfen haben ^.^ Und ich bin froh, dass der Kontakt sich da noch erhalten hat :3
